The facility houses state-of-the-art electron beam characterization tools:
- FEI Teneo field emission scanning electron microscope with Oxford EDS/EBSD for combined elemental and phase mapping and texture determination
- FEI Helios Focus Ion Beam (dual beam) system with easy lift out capabilities for TEM and 3D atom probe sample preparation, auto-slice capability for 3D reconstruction and a multi-chemical deposition system for circuit editing
- FEI Tecnai G2-F20 scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with both EDX and EELS capability
- FEI Titan Themis 300 Cubed probe aberration corrected STEM with Super-X EDX detector, GIF quantum ER system and a Lorentz lens with biprism, which enables rapid, precise navigation from mesoscopic to atomic scale, as well as study of intrinsic magnetic and electric fields
A hysitronP95, a FEI NanoEx-i/v MEMS, a tomography and a Gatan70 Degree Cryo-transfer TEM holders gives researchers additional capability of 3D elemental mapping and in situ observation of structural and chemical change of materials with external effect, such as temperature, electric field, and stress/strain down to the atomic level.