Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Microscope

The Dual-Beam FIB is both a nanomachine and a microscope. The ion beam can be used both to image and mill the surface of a material with nanometer precision. Used to carve complex shapes from bulk materials at precise locations for chemical and structural evaluation by STEM, 3D Atom Probe, etc., it can be a standalone instrument for orientation imaging and 3D tomography. The FIB instrument enables sampling precise regions inaccessible by other methods and can penetrate fragile materials including those that are extremely brittle or soft. The instrument also will machine sample for chemical, electronic, and mechanical testing.
Features of the FEI Helios NanoLab G3 UC (Ultimate Characterization) include:
XHR electron optics (magnetic immersion lens type) with electrostatic scanning, and advanced SE and BSE in-lens detection.
An ultra-high brightness NG electron source equipped with UC technology to reduce the beam energy spread below 0.2 eV, enabling sub-nanometer resolution and high surface sensitivity at low landing energies.
Electron beam deceleration for improved low kV performance, access to ultra-low landing energies (down to 20 eV), charge compensation and the balanced topographic and material contrasts.
A complete suite of high sensitivity detectors for high efficiency signal collection and precise selection of SE and BSE signals even at low landing energies. It allows acquiring simultaneous SE and BSE images or simultaneous high loss / low loss / no loss BSE images.
Advanced control of Beam Chemistries (optional) including FEI proprietary gasses such as Delineation Etch or Selective Carbon Mill.
A high-precision, 5 axis, eucentric specimen stage with full 150 mm travel along the x and y axes, compucentric continuous rotation and 70° tilt range.
An optional in-chamber optical navigation camera (Nav-Cam+) can be included to facilitate low magnification sample navigation.